What to Do After You Get Charged With a DWI
Everyone makes mistakes. However, certain choices can be more damaging to our lives and well-being than others. Getting behind the wheel after drinking can certainly be one of these choices.
Getting charged with a DWI, or driving-while-intoxicated, can damage your future to a great extent. The punishments for this charge can range in severity, but the more serious punishments have the potential to slow your life to a grinding halt.
It’s important to take the proper actions following your charge if you hope to rectify your future. Read on and we’ll walk you through what you need to know.
During a Traffic Stop
One of the main moments that can really decide your fate over a DWI charge is the initial interaction you have with an officer. Your actions at this point in time will be brought up during your court case, and a wealth of poor decisions is likely to leave you with limited options in rectifying the situation.
The most important thing to remember during your initial interaction with the police is not to incriminate yourself. You have your Miranda Rights, which means you have a right to remain silent because what you say can and will be used against you.
Comply with the officer’s requests and demands by providing your name, license, and registration when asked for. However, if the officer begins to ask how much you’ve been drinking, you can refuse to answer these sorts of questions until you can speak to a lawyer.
Refusing to talk might irritate an officer and even lead to your arrest at that moment, but this will be better than seriously incriminating yourself.
Following Your Charge
After you’ve been hit with a DWI charge, you’ll want to move fast in order to get the best outcome from your case. First, you should reach out to an experienced dwi lawyer and get someone to help with your case.
The more experienced the better: they’ll have managed many cases like yours in the past and will know exactly what steps to take to get you back on track.
Go over the incident with your attorney and provide all the details you can remember about the night and your arrest. You’ll need to attend a pre-trial meeting with your attorney where the charges are laid out.
Your attorney will be able to decide the best course of action based on the specifics of your case. If the officers in question acted inappropriately, your attorney might try and get the case thrown out.
If it is your first charge of this kind, your attorney might be able to make a convincing case for a lesser punishment.
They might also be able to direct you to different programs to enroll in that can help to lessen the punishment time the court will put down.
If You’ve Been Charged With a DWI
A DWI charge can be very serious, no matter where you live or what your background is. Understanding the above information can help you to make the best out of a bad situation.
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Originally published at Trending Us.