8 Habits that Can Kill Your Competitive Exams Preparation

1. Procrastination:

Postponing everything too much? Feel like solving or studying that question some day later? Too much time left to do the task? Congratulations, on joining the biggest group that humans correlate to — Procrastination. This one tops the list of habits that might severely damage your entire study schedule.
So pull up your socks!
2. Too much Sleep:

Agreed, taking rests is an important part of your daily planner, especially when your exams get daunting. But aren’t you consuming too much of an advantage just because you solved two extra problems today?
Tips on How to Survive on Little Sleep.
3. Social Media:

Unhealthy & repetitive log-in’s in your social media accounts may suggest very low attention span and poor productivity. Either you don’t care, or are very prepared for the exam up next; that you can afford to like your friend’s friends nonsensical share on eco-political views!
4. Too much Food:

Are you the one who gobbles up lot of snacks during study breaks and eat heavy dinners? Foodies need to a give a rest to their stomach, eating just adequately. Heavy meals, slow down your metabolism, making you drowsy rather than energetic.
5. Over-Dependability:

Too much relying on that smart kid in your class whom you be-friended to teach you that problem, in the last minute? Or maybe that teacher, who allowed you to pop up with any question, any moment of time? Give it a thought. You’re very blessed if your smart-best-friend or your tutor helped you out. Because in many cases, they are too busy for you! (During Exams, very much!)
A must read to cure above mentioned problem: Decisions That Help You Take Control of Your Life.
6. Late Start:

Think yourself of that hare who won the race against the poor tortoise who started studying a month before you? If you do, re-adjust your confidence levels. Because, the earlier you start, more relaxing is your pre-exam day.
Also Check: 10 Hacks to Make Things Happen
7. Not attending Classes:

Too big of a smart-ass to consider being a part of the classes? Well, you maybe one. But its more than the syllabus you know. If you are an active and patient listener, you might notice teachers always have this slight nuance of sharing some probable question or that trick in the exam, even though the rest of your lecture might have been BS. So, Look Out!
Similar:- 5 Reasons Why Smart People Fail.
8. Personal/Professional Stress (Not Exam-related):

Even though it a small set of students, this is the biggest disaster possible for your grades. Cheer up, puke out your emotional anger in some safe place (trusted friend/family) and gear up for something important. If you don’t choose to, try suppressing it for few days until your exam.
Learn 4 Tips to Avoid Stress
Anyways if you don’t have sufficient time for your exams then you can always discover How to Score in Exams with Little Preparation.
Credits of Featured Image:- 4BP
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