3 Best Designs for Your Instagram Page

It is said that over 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business account. Over the years, Instagram has grown into a business-like social media platform. A lot of its users have readily embraced buying a product on Instagram against buying a product through other platforms. Not only this, but Instagram users have also taken to discovering new places to travel to through Instagram. Before, if someone wanted to travel and was looking for inspiration on where to visit, google was the go-to app for that.
But things have changed for the better. One would ask, why are people switching from google to Instagram when searching for places to visit? Isn’t google more versatile? Here is the reason why people are turning from google to Instagram when they are looking for travel inspirations. Unlike Google, whose pictures of a particular product, resort, or travel location is from the owner of the business, on Instagram, one can find a picture of a product or travel location from a customer’s view. While the owner of a product or travel location may filter, edit, and beautify the images of his products, people patronizing a business usually take snapshots of the product or travel location as it is in real-time. No filters, no editing, they have nothing to lose.
It is, therefore, safe to say that people have turned to Instagram for business because, not only do they trust the social media platform itself. But they also trust the influencers and other Instagram users to point them in the right direction, business-wise. Having said this, a business owner must make out time to plan and develop the best Instagram page.
One could liken an Instagram page to a business website. You know how you carefully planned out your business website, knowing fully well that it is one of the ways to make a good impression on your customer, well you should also carefully plan your Instagram page like that. Take your Instagram page as your social media website.
Does it sound like a difficult thing to do? If yes, then I have good news for you. You don’t have to make your Instagram page look beautiful by yourself. You can simply employ a good social media marketing service, but try to avoid services that use bots. The best option is the Instagram growth service mother-child method that will work perfectly, use it and you’ll see how your targeted audience grows. Keep in mind that your Instagram page should contain all the necessary details your customers need to know about you. Including a summary of what you or your company is all about.
In summary, your Instagram page should be designed to be able to convert followers and visitors into buyers and vice versa. While Instagram only permits the use of words to describe one’s business on Instagram. There is also a feature that allows business owners to showcase the picture of their owners to visitors and followers.
The Instagram story highlights is an Instagram business feature where business owners can highlight and post pictures of their products for their visitors and their followers. Unlike Instagram stories that last for only twenty-four hours before disappearing, Instagram stories stay permanently on Instagram’s business accounts.
Another important reason why the beauty, originality, and uniqueness of your Instagram page is essential is that it will attract visitors, followers, and customers for you.
Related: Trending Instagram Hashtags to Boost Engagement
Does an Instagram page increase the number of Instagram followers or subscribers?
One of the primary reasons why your Instagram page should be top-notch is because it serves as a magnet to followers or subscribers. This is how it does it. An Instagram page with a consistent theme color is more likely to convert visitors and followers than an uncoordinated Instagram page.
Most of the successful brands on Instagram have attested to the increased user engagement because of their fine-tuned Instagram page. Most of these brands use one particular color, design pattern, one filter. Or even one specific editing process, to make their Instagram page stand out. This consistent use of a particular color or editing process. That will help their followers to be able to spot their brand at first glance.
This is not to say that all the posts in your Instagram account should be the same, no, for instance, if your brand’s color is yellow and green. You should do everything possible to add the littlest yellow and green color in every one of your posts. When a visitor visits your page, he or she get promotion to follow you, to at least get a first-hand view of your engaging content.
On the other hand, an uncoordinated and unengaging Instagram page may negatively influence the number of visitors that click to follow your account.
Related: Trending Instagram “Ask Me Anything” Questions
Three Instagram accounts with the best page design.
- Daniel Rueda @drcuerda: is a photographer and a content creator from Valencia. His Instagram posts usually consist of a person (himself and his partner, Anna Devis) and a wall. His designs are so original and intriguing that you would have no options than to scroll down to see all his previous designs. Engaging Instagram page made me hit the follow button. Just to have his beautiful designs to grace my Instagram feed. Do you now see the power of a good Instagram page, it intrigues and captures the attention of visitors, who will, in turn, follow the account, to get a regular update of the account.
- Linda Yoshida @lindayoshida: Linda is a Californian calligrapher. Her Instagram page is basically filed with pictures of write-ups in her beautiful calligraphic hands. Linda became famous during her daily upload of quotes from the game of thrones before its season premiere in 2015. Her best quote post is her “kill the crows” post. She wrote, “kill the crows” with beautiful calligraphy in golden and brown color. She also drew three crows and a crow-quill nib. Her caption reads, “Tonight, we’ll fight.”
- Biafra Inc @biafrainc: Biafra is an anonymous street artist based in Minneapolis. He creates his contents using paint spray and other implements. Most of his paintings are said to be a reflection of his life. I didn’t believe this until I went to his page and stumbled into one of his posts. This painting was of a pretty lady with what looked like a door where her brain was supposed to be. This painting depicts that the mind of a human is like a house full of different corridors and chambers.
In conclusion, having an intriguing Instagram page has more advantages and little or no disadvantages. Remember, you don’t have to do it yourself, you can employ one of the best Instagram growth service providers to help you achieve that. One of the best is SimplyGram. Or, you can also look at the Instagram page design of the above accounts and get inspirations for yours.