3 Basic Fundamentals Of A Successful Presentation

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5 min readJan 21, 2022


Creating a good PowerPoint presentation is a combination of art and science. The three most fundamental aspects are the foundation of any great PowerPoint presentation i.e., Who, What Where. In this blog, we will go through these three most fundamental components that serve as the cornerstone of any great PowerPoint presentation.

So, without any further delays, let’s get started!

1. Who

Knowing who your target audience is the first and most important step in creating a PowerPoint presentation. The more you learn about your target audience, the more you can tailor your content to their interests, values, beliefs, and understanding level. The goal is to uncover areas of agreement with your audience.

To put yourself in the shoes of your audience, consider the following questions:

  1. Who will be present during your presentation? — Age, profession, field, education, experiences, biases, and background.
  2. Why are they present there, and do they want to be there — what are their inspirations?
  3. What are they hoping for from you?
  4. What do people already know about your topic?
  5. Is it possible that they will comprehend technical phrases and expressions?
  6. What happened before your business presentation?
  7. What kinds of inquiries are they likely to have?
  8. What is your aim for delivering this presentation?
  9. What do you want them to take away from your business presentation? (their advantage in attending)

Asking questions like this will help you focus on what needs to be provided. Once you’ve gathered information on your target audience, you’ll be able to synthesize your results and choose the structure, content, and slide design that is most suited to your specific audience.

To summarise, each PowerPoint presentation should have its own design and content that is targeted to the unique sort of target audience. For example, a company pitch to investors must clearly emphasize the problem you are attempting to solve and how your product will address the problem. Given the short attention span of investors, it must be brief and to the point.

Also read: Trending Presentation Topics for Commerce Students

2. What

Once you’ve determined who you’re delivering to, the next critical question is what you want to convey. The message is crucial. It’s the entire reason you’re creating the presentation slide.

As a result, you should be crystal clear on your goal and the essential message you want the audience to take away with them. The Call to Action is the action you want the audience to do when they leave the PowerPoint presentation.

If your audience does not know what to do after going through your business presentation, your efforts have been in vain. And, even for the same issue, this Call to Action cannot be the same for different audiences. The structure below can assist you in developing a critical message for your target audience.

  1. First, consider why you are presenting this business presentation. What exactly is your goal? Are you attempting to raise awareness of a topic or to persuade a certain set of people or something?
  2. Once you’ve decided, create the presentation design and PPT slides while keeping the primary message in mind.
  3. Next, construct an outline of the PowerPoint presentation content by writing down your discussion points, organizing them, and then splitting them into presentation slides. While producing the content and outline, keep the first check in mind — the Audience.

Now that you’ve decided on the topic, outline, and basic slide design, it’s time to think about where the presentation will be delivered.

3. Where

This point is relevant to the setting in which you are delivering the business presentation. The location of the presentation has a significant impact on the presentation design. The PowerPoint presentation design you create on your personal screen may seem completely different in the venue where you are speaking.

The screen size, projector quality, aspect ratio, sound quality, room size, lighting in the room, and other aspects all influence how your business presentation seems to your audience.

Aside from that, the size of the audience has an impact on the PowerPoint presentation design.

Are you giving a presentation to a group of ten or a crowd of 1000?

Is it to be seen on displays and projectors, or is it to be viewed online?

The size and type of font you may use are affected by this, as the content may become less readable to the audience.

Since many of these aspects become uncertain prior to the business presentation, it is important to be as cautious as possible. So, to prevent the most typical blunders, here are some dos and don’ts for you.

  1. You should not use the red-colored font in your presentation. When the red text is displayed, it becomes very bright and unintelligible, putting stress on the eyes.
  2. Always choose a traditional typeface. Avoid using sophisticated typefaces since they make the audience work harder to read the text. Google Fonts is an excellent resource for font testing.
  3. Don’t use bright blue and bright red, on the same presentation. It causes eye strain. Similarly, combining bright red and bright green is not a good idea, as this is the most prevalent kind of color blindness.
  4. Choose the scale of your infographics and font size based on the size of the screen and audience. If your audience cannot see or read your PowerPoint presentations, your efforts will be in vain.
  5. Avoid using low-resolution images and graphics.
  6. Individual PowerPoint presentations should not be overloaded. It will undoubtedly look jumbled and less readable.
  7. Assume that the WordArt and ClipArt capabilities in PowerPoint do not exist.

Also read: Trending Presentation Topics for General Presentation

The Bottom Line

Therefore, the design of a corporate presentation should be visually appealing, engage with the target audience, and support the meaning of your content.

So, for every presentation slide of every corporate presentation you create from now on, always be absolutely clear on the Who, What, and Where of the presentation. These three fundamentals will make sure that your presentation never fails to inspire.

Each slide of your business presentation should be properly aligned with your target audience, message, and environment, ensuring that your presentation has the desired impact.

Even though your presentations are text-heavy, you can make them seem visually stunning by using infographic presentation templates and SlideUpLift’s free PowerPoint Templates. Infographics act as visual assistance and help in keeping the audience interested as they transform your boring-looking presentations into captivating ones!

In case you are a google slides user, check out these professional google slides templates before starting your next presentation.

Originally published at Trending Us.



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