100 Trending Truth & Dare Questions You Should Try Now

Truth & Dare Questions are the best option to spend quality time doing some fun things, at occasional gatherings or weekend parties with close friends.
You know the rule of this game, where one player asks the other, Truth or Dare? And if a person opts for Truth then he’s supposed to answer honestly to any question. And if a person chooses Dare, then he must be prepared for the challenging act given by others.
Indeed, the game is quite fun and a good time spending with friends. But the main part of the game is on deciding, which questions to be asked? And which dare things to assign? So here sharing our best picked Truth and Dare questions for your party game.
Truth or Dare Questions to ask a guy or a girl
Questions to try, if you choose “Truth” while playing truth and dare.

- Be frank…Who is the one you hate the most in this room?
- Have you played Adult card games at your family gatherings?
- Name that horror movie that scared you the most?
- Your one habit that you just can’t get rid of…
- Are you a Bathroom singer?
- Share your embarrassing moment from school days, that we don’t know?
- Accordingly to you, what is true love?
- Have you created a fake Facebook profile to track that anyone?
- Chance of your marriage with a current girlfriend. (Give percentage)
- What will you do if you have a million dollars in the bank?
- Internet or A/C, which one do you prefer?
- What will you do, if you get a chance to go five years back from now?
- One thing, you will regret the entire life because of doing it.
- The creepiest dream you just can’t stop thinking about.
- What is that, you are most afraid of?
- This is your last day on earth, what will you do in the remaining hours?
- If the killing was legal, who’ll be your first target?
- Are you still watching cartoons?
- The silliest names of yours, that we don’t know.
- Will you vote for the current president to win again?
- Are you using filters on every photo before uploading?
- Do you maintain a personal diary?
- Celebrity, you just obsessed about.
- That one person in the room, you have secret jealousy inside.
- Desert and Island, where you want to play the survival game?
- Monthly budget, you spend on your makeup only.
- Your worst first date incident you are still embarrassing of…
- Have you ever tried Chinese food? And wanna try it again?
- That swear, you take because of insults, misbehavior with you.
- What were you thinking, while the rest were singing happy birthday for you?
- After seeing your best friend with your crush, what will be your action plan?
- Have you ever cheated in any exam and caught up?
- Best friend and Crush, who is the one you save first?
- What are the personality and characteristics you like the most?
- Last time you cried that no one knows?
- Have you ever lied about your age?
- How excited are you about getting married?
- School or College friend? Who do you love the most?
- What are your career goals?
- Have you ever caught up eating in the class?
- Tell us that one thing you are hiding from parents.
- Last time you visited the Jail.
- Have you ever stolen something?
- How many times do you feel that it’s true love?
- And that dumb things you do to get love?
- That one animal.. you think it matches your personality.
- Are you really enjoying family gatherings?
- Arranged marriage and Love marriage, what’s your choice?
- Do you drink while driving? Any incidents?
- Are you happy with your self, for what you are doing?
Also Read: Keep the Party Jumping: 3 Fun Bounce House Games for Kids
If you choose “Dare” to do anything and need Instagram questions

- Shows us your recent search history.
- Just go and talk to your crush.
- Rate everyone here you love the most, from 1 to 10.
- Name of the school teacher you secretly liked in our school days.
- Share your awkward project presentation again.
- Definition of a perfect partner from your viewpoints.
- The reason behind your fit body… Routine exercise or Steroids.
- Share your feelings you have while it’s love at first sight.
- Give the name of the person, you want to lock in the bathroom.
- Describe the best things of everyone present here.
- Things that make you feel proud of yourself.
- That fear from the current relationship, you hide inside.
- Suggestions for each person here, for their personality and behavior.
- Just “Unfriend” that one, you are talking most these days.
- Pretending like you are in front of your crush.
- Share your first job experience with us.
- Things you want to say to your current boss.
- We want you to sing for us, in an evil voice.
- Dance with the mop.
- Keep slapping your self till your turn.
- We are hungry. So just order pizza for us.
- Say alphabets, But in Reverse.
- Give us a demo of what you have a plan to propose.
- For the next 5 minutes, act as if you are a Dog.
- Take a selfie and upload it now, without any filters.
- Just ask for a cup of sugar, from your neighbor.
- Like every post of the person, you get to see the first on Facebook.
- Show us how you cry alone.
- Act like a goat, learning alphabets
- Wear your underwear over your head for the entire game.
- Text the first person, who is live on Facebook with Hi. And reply with just Hi, 10 times.
- Change your relationship status from Relationship to single, and vice versa.
- Call the 18th contact number in your phonebook, and wish Happy birthday.
- Ask for Indian food at a Chinese restaurant.
- According to you, who has bad teeth? Ok, so Brush their teeth.
- Get on your knees, till your turn.
- Talk to yourself in the mirror.
- Sing like you are an opera singer.
- Eat ice cream with tomato sauce.
- Pluck three of your nose hair.
- Go and just hug a tree, till your neighbor notices you.
- Do the 40 Pushups.
- Take a selfie with the person next to you and post with an emotional caption.
- Time to headstand for 2 minutes.
- We want to see what you have in your purse.
- Talk continuously without pause.
- Go out and say I love you to the first person you meet.
- Sing and dance like you go mad.
- Color your front two teeth with two different colors.
- Call home and inform them, you are married now.
Final thoughts:
The given truth and dare questions are our best-picked things to try on. Be sure to play these games with your mind open, also think before straightway asking and assigning tasks. As some Truth or Dare questions plus things demand mutual connection and personal bondings. After all, you want to make this free time fun rather than life-time regrets, isn’t it?
Certainly, you can try out this given truth and dare questions we have for you. Also, you can play any other party games to make your gatherings, real fun. You can also play the trending cards games, as an option to truth & dare questions game. Especially, when you all want more humour with endless fun.
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